Alumni Scout Band Title Banner
The Crossroads of America Scout Band is the OLDEST Scout Band in the United States and the SECOND OLDEST continuously operating Scout Band in the World.

The Crossroads of America Scout Band is recognized as the OLDEST, continuously operating Scout Band in America! Founded as a Drum and Bugle Corps in 1917 by Mr. F.O. "Chief" Belzer to play at ceremonies at summer camp and other Council functions, the organization evolved into a full band by the early 1920's. The Band has a rich heritage and has toured throughout the United States, Canada and a trip to London, England to celebrate Scouting's 100th anniversary in 2007. The Band has celebrated its own 100th anniversary in 2017!

Have you been a member of the band? If so, please rejoin our group as we are looking for alumni to help us interpret our rich heritage as we continue into the next 100 years!

Scout Band Has A New Home!!

The Scout Band has moved to Christ Presbyterian Church, 7879 Carroll Rd, McCordsville, IN 46055!

We have moved all of our band equipment from St Lawrence to Christ Presbyterian. Rehearsals for full band and jazz band will be located here for the forseable future. Please make sure to update your calendars and address info for this important change!

Events and Concerts in Winter - February, March

Full Band Rehearsals

Rehearsals will be continuing after the first of the year on February 2nd, 9th, 19th and 23th, March 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd. St. Lawrence will not be able to host us this year so we found a new home at Christ Presbyterian Church in McCordsville (yes, this is Mr. Bill's church). Check back often for updates and listen for Calling Posts on this important change!

Cool Crew Jazz Band Rehearsals

Jazz Band Practice will resume on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at A NEW TIME 4 pm. (excluding holidays) in the Fall, Winter, and Spring Months. Currently the Jazz Band will be rehearsing on February 9th and 23th, March 9th, and 23rd. As mentioned above our rehearsals has been moved to the new location.

Concert for Pack 129 Blue and Gold Banquet on February 8th!

We will be playing for Pack 129 at their Blue and Gold Banquet on February 8th with a report time of 10:00 am located at 16504 Oak Ridge Rd, Westfield, IN. Please arrive at 10 am to unload the truck and set up ready to play around 11:30 am. We plan to play before they get started with their program and during their meal. After the program starts we may get fed, then we might be playing after the program is complete. Come with a positive attitude and be prepared to meet young scouts that we can start recruiting to the Band!

Anniversary Concert at Christ Presbyterian Church on February 18th!

Our annual Anniversary Concert now celebrating our 108th Year as the Crossroads of America Scout Band will be held on Sunday February 18th at 1 pm at Christ Presbyterian Church. This is a change in schedule from the posted calendar schedule under the Schedule of Events Link. Christ Presbyterian Church is located at 7879 Carroll Rd, McCordsville, IN 46055. Join us for a concert and refreshments after.

Playing members will be wearing Class "A" Uniforms with the Venture Crew Shirt, Green Scout Pants, dark socks, and dark shoes.

This will be our 108th Year Celebration that you will not want to miss!

We Hope To See You There!

2022 Monon Merit Badge University February 28th and March 1st with Scout Band Concert, March 1st!

Monon District is offering merit badge sessions on Friday and Saturday, February 28th and March 1st. Follow this link for registration and more information: Registration for Merit Badge University. This event will be held at Carmel High School - Freshman Center, Door #13, 520 E. Main Street, Carmel IN 46032. All youth registered in Boy Scouts are eligible to attend. Please note that Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos are not eligible to participate in this event.

The Scout Band will be playing Saturday March 1st with a report time of 10:30am and ready to play at 11:30 am in the Freshman Center cafeteria area just like previous years. Look for the Band Truck on the west side of the school near Door #16 to help unload starting at 10:30am to be able to play a 11:30 am concert.

Uniform of the Day will be Class "A"s, Boy Scout green pants, Venture Crew dark green shirt (extra shirts available from the Band Truck), dark socks, dark shoes, etc.

Lucas Oil Stadium Schedule is Now Available

Please click on the Fundraising Link above to find the latest LOS Stadium Schedule to plan when to help the band by working at our stand at the Lucas Oil Stadium for Colts Games and other Events.

Did You Miss Our Annual Open House?

Join us at ANY rehearsal and bring your instrument to play with us!


Christ Presbyterian Church, 7879 Carroll Rd, McCordsville, IN 46055


Every Sunday excluding holidays and Summer Months at 2:00pm

Enter the Southwest Door from the parking lot and proceed to the right to the social function room.

Join us and find out why joining the Scout Band is so much fun!

We Hope to See You There!

Our 2024 Route 66 by Train Tour Was A Big Success!

The Scout Band's 2024 Route 66 by Train Tour went to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, Grand Canyou, and Los Angeles, and points in between on Amtrak Trains, Tour Buses, and Airlines. You can see our Tour crews photos and postings on our Facebook Group for the Scout Band

This was a Tour that you shouldn't have missed!

Our 2025 Tour Is In the Works!

The next 2025 Scout Band Tour will have us traveling through the local states and playing concerts at Boy Scout Camp Grounds.

Stay tuned for more exciting news about this Tour.

We are Celebrating our 107th Year - Check out Our Upcoming Events and Concerts

Check the Schedule of Events for our Planned Calendar!

Check out our Schedule of Events that should be accurate except for additions, cancellations or postponements. Stay tuned to this website, our Facebook Group, Calling Posts, and emails for any planned activities and last minute changes in our schedule.

We Now Have A Youtube Channel!

Loyde has put in a lot of work to create the Youtube Channel. Check out our concert music at this link.


The Domain name has been put into full effect and better represents our non-for-profit Scouting based celebration of music and Scouting history in the Central Indiana area. If you are used to typing in you will still get and error, so don't forget to type in in your web browser's URL box to get back to this page!

All of the original content from the site is preserved and accessible on and will be enhanced in the coming years. We hope to someday re-aquire the Domain name to use again to help those who are struggling with our updated URL. Please contact Ben Cockrum, our Webmaster, with any questions or concerns. We know there will be some missing or broken links, but these will be found and worked out to bring everyone in the Scout Band community a better online experience.

Jazz Band Rehearsals

Come join us if you are interested in a different kind of music from an earlier era. Jazz Band Rehearsals start at 4:00 pm every second and fourth Sunday for the Jazz Band right after Full Band Rehearsal at 2:00 pm every Sunday through the end of the year. The Jazz Band will be starting up rehearsals again at our new rehearsal home at Christ Presbyterian Church located at 7879 Carroll Road, McCordsville, Indiana 46055. Rehearsal starts at 4:00 pm and lasts until 5:00pm, EXCEPT on holiday weekends.

If you are ready to play a different style of music or wish to extend your musical range, the Cool Crew Jazz Band might just be for you. This is a new addition requested by the Band Youth. More instruments are needed so contact Janet Foster or Mr. Ben if you are interested in playing.

Hey Crew 559 Youth!
Don't forget about Crew Meetings every Third Sunday of the Month!

The Crew Meeting's will be held every third Sunday after Full Band Rehearsal. Don't miss your chance to voice your opinion and help out the band!

After the 100th Anniversary we are still accepting photos and memorbilia.

Do you have photographs and snapshots of Scout Band concerts and events that you would like to share with the Anniversary Committee? Send an email to this email address and you will be given instructions how to upload to their DropBox site.

Don't Miss Out on Our 106th Year Festivities!!!

Database forms have been created to find Band Alumni!

Have you been a member of the Central Indiana Scout Band in the past? Have you been a member of the Crossroads of America Scout Band in the recent past? Then you are definitely a Band Alumni and we would very much like to re-connect with you!

Please follow this link to the About the Band Page or use the navigation buttons to find the forms created to help build a database of Band Alumni and Current Band Members. This will help us to reach out to you as we share the existence of the Scout Band in Central Indiana. If you wish, you can get notifications or emails about upcoming events and how you can join in the fun as a Band Alumni. So click the link and fill in the form!

Commemorative Brick Pavers are Still On Sale!

Would you like to remember a loved one? Remember the special years you were in the band? Show support of individuals, groups and the future of the band? We will be building a Paver Mall in front of the Craig Band Hut at Camp Belzer.

You can purchase pavers for only $100 each for the new Scout Band’s Paver Mall! The paver mall will be located in front of the Craig Band Hut at Camp Belzer. Your $100 purchase includes a 4”x8” paver with two [2] lines of characters [Letters, punctuation, spaces] 18 characters maximum on each line.  For an additional $5.00 you can have a third line on the paver.

You, your family, friends, and business associates can add to the Paver Mall today! Contact a BBBC Board Member to see a sample.

Order directly from this WUFOO Form and PAY with a credit card on the secure order site or download and print off this Commemorative Paver Order Form and mail it or hand it to a BBBC Board Member or 100th Anniversary Committee Member.

Check back often for updates!