Contact Page
The Crossroads of America Scout Band is recognized as the OLDEST, continuously operating Scout Band in America! Founded as a Drum and Bugle Corps in 1917 by Mr. F.O. "Chief" Belzer to play at ceremonies at summer camp and other Council functions, the organization evolved into a full band by the early 1920's. The Band has a rich heritage and has toured throughout the United States, Canada and a trip to London, England to celebrate Scouting's 100th anniversary in 2007. The Band will be celebrating Scouting's 100th anniversary in America in 2010 and its own 100th anniversary in 2017!
Have you been a member of the band? If so, please rejoin our group as we are looking for alumni to help us interpret our rich heritage as we near our 100th year!
If you need more information about the Scout Band or any of our upcoming events click here to be contacted by email.
Our crack e-maill staff will reply to your inquisitions as quickly as possible!
To hear up-to-the-minute information about upcoming events and concerts be sure to ask to be added to our Calling Post phone messaging system. Messages will be called to your phone to remind you of these events and fill you in on all the details.
If you would like to join our members group, we are on Facebook Groups. Join our Facebook Group by clicking here: CrossroadsofAmericaScoutBand Group on Facebook
You are required to have a Facebook account to view our group. Then search and find our group and request to be joined in.
Unfortunately our Yahoo Groups will be coming to and end due to changes in Yahoo services. Feel free to join our Facebook Group above.
When the Scout Band is on tour you can contact them by clicking here.
If you need to contact our webmaster about this site click here.
Use this email contact to comment on any flaws (i.e. missing links, messed up colors, etc) on the website or for website management information.