Scout Band



The plans were announced at the annual picnic in August for the 2003 Tour. The band will be heading WEST again and travel to the Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. Dates for the tour are June 19 - 28 and cost will be $650.00 per person and will include all transportation, meals, lodging and attractions. Applications can be given to Mr. Bill anytime -- but the SOONER THE BETTER -- since we are going to very busy areas, room reservations will need to be made in the next 30 days. If you want to hold a spot for the tour, get an application, fill it out and turn it in with the $50.00 deposit.

Stops along the way will be in Des Moines, Iowa, North Platte, Nebraska, Casper, Wyoming, Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Sheridan, Wyoming, Rapid City, South Dakota (a return visit to Mount Rushmore and a concert in the amphitheater), Sioux City, Iowa and Dubuque, Iowa. Don't miss out on the fun -- be a part of the 2003 Band Tour. Several money earning projects are available to assist you in raising the $650.00 -- several dome dates remain, we will be starting a pie sale in time for Thanksgiving and we are looking into a project with Chicago Pizza for a money earning project.

Buddy McLaren was the successful bidder at the auction during the picnic for an all expense paid tour -- with the winning bid of $80,000.00 in band bucks. See those band bucks DO add up when you attend rehearsals and performances.

If you have any questions or want further information, call Mr. Bill at 317-542-8057. Those that traveled west with us a few years ago will tell you that this is truly beautiful country and worth the trip! And yes, Heather and Mary Jane you WILL see moose and bison on this tour.

Christmas Concert at Glendale Mall

Arrangements have been made to perform a Christmas Concert at Glendale Mall (62nd Street and Keystone Avenue) on Saturday, December 21 at 11:00 A.M. We will perform for approximately an hour in the food court area as we did last year.

More details will be available at rehearsals. Plan to report by 10:15 AM so we can get you uniformed and the area set up. We will be done by 12:30 and you will have the rest of the day to finish (or start) you holiday shopping.

Open House Set for January 19th

The band's annual open house is scheduled for Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 2:00 PM. This is the time we invite scouts from around central Indiana to come and visit and join the band. It is important that our current members are there early and ready to welcome our guests. This activity has proved successful in obtaining new membership in the band and has strengthened our organization over the last several years.

In tandem with the open house, representatives from the band will be making a presentation in January to Sakima District's Roundtable. We have been invited to make this presentation since there are many scouts in Sakima units that would like to be a part of the band. If you would like to make arrangements for band personnel to visit and make a presentation to your roundtable, contact Bill Schofield at 317-542-8057 or Buddy McLaren at 317-356-9678.

Cake Auction a BIG hit AGAIN at picnicThe band's cake auction was a big hit at the picnic again this year. A total of $210.00 was raised for the band's general fund from the cakes donated to be auctioned. The top price for a cake was $55.00! Thanks to all who help support this project by donating cakes or making a purchase.


Due to the shortage of workers for the dome events, we have relinquished the Nacho Express booth (much to the dismay of our youth AND the RCA dome)! We were left with no other choice -- it has been difficult (at best) to recruit the needed staff for the regular Nacho stand (142). The funds earned at the dome support YOUR personal account to assist with tour payments and other band activities as well as support the operation of the band (truck, insurance, upkeep, equipment repair, etc.).

If you can help please call Deb King at 765-866-0037 or Bill at 317-542-8057. There are still any dates available during the current contract year. You need to be at least 16 years old and inform us you plan to work at least five (5) days PRIOR to the scheduled event -- we have to fax the list of workers to the security department at the dome at this time.

For your time, you will earn at least $25.00 for the event. Some events (all day or ones where we work extremely short) a larger amount is paid to the workers. We have had to turn down some "optional" events simply because we could not get the commitment from workers in time.

The Board is looking at several options if this trend continues -- make payments available to an individual (cold hard cash) instead of "banking" in a personal account, canceling the contract with the dome and selling the truck (we couldn't afford the payments, insurance and upkeep if we don't have funds to operate on) or relying on other constant money earning projects like pie sales, candy sales, etc. Other venues have been investigated, but none give a better return than the Dome.

If you would like to share your input or ideas -- contact any of the board members or come to the next board meeting to share your thoughts. Next BBBC Board meeting is October 30, 7PM at Schofield's house.

Dome Dates are:

November 3 - Colts; 16 - Bands of America Finals (optional); 17 - Colts; 23 Thunder Drags (optional).

December 1 - Colts, 14 IU vs Purdue Basketball; 22 - Colts; 29 - Colts.

January 25, 2003 Monster Truck Jam

March 2003: 1st - SuperCross; 20 & 22 NCAA Basketball.

Pie Sale

The pie sale that everyone looks forward to is in full swing again -- just in time for Thanksgiving! Pie sheets are available at rehearsals starting October 20. Pumpkin and cream pies are NOT available again this year. All fruit pies (apple, dutch apple, cherry, peach, blueberry and pecan) are baked fresh and will be available for pickup on Saturday, November 23 just in time for Thanksgiving.

If you can't make it to rehearsal, but still want a pie sheet -- call Bill at 317-542-8057. All pie orders MUST be called in or sheet turned in on Sunday, November 17.

Dixieland Rehearsals / Crew Meetings

At a recent BBBC Board meeting it was decided that we would cut back on Dixieland rehearsals to one a month. At the same time, a set monthly time will be established to hold a crew 559 meeting prior to rehearsal. Please refer to the schedule on the back of this newsletter for the crew and dixieland dates through December.

If you have questions about Dixieland, call Tom O'Nan at 317-255-6004 or Debbie Wheat at 317-541-0598. For questions about the Crew meetings, contact Buddy McLaren at 317-356-9678.

Crew 559 Recharter Time Near

The annual rechartering process will soon be upon us. Those that wish to register with the crew (either primary or as a multiple) needs to see Bob Wiker during a rehearsal. The registration fee increases January 1st to $10.00 plus $1.00 for insurance. Those whose primary registration is with Crew 559 will need to pay the $11.00 fee (cash, check or from your personal account) by January 31st. Any questions, please call Bob Wiker at 317-356-9678.


During the annual picnic, BBBC dues for the coming year were collected. Dues are $5.00 per adult per year. By belonging to the Belzer Band Booster Club you have a vote in the activities the band participates in as well as the way it operates. If you were not at the picnic, but still want to pay your dues, contact Keith Hartzog at 317-897-5726.

New Youth Officers Elected

At the picnic, the youth elected the following officers to serve August 2002 - August 2003:

President: Buddy McLaren; Vice President / Activities: William King; Vice President / Program: Margaret Etses. The Treasurer will be selected at the October 20 crew meeting.

Awards Presented at PicnicThe annual special awards were presented during the membership meeting of the Belzer Band Booster Club at the picnic.

The Good Scout Award presented to an adult [s] by the youth to recognize their time and devotion to the band was presented to Dana Hanson and Jeannie Lane.

The Harvey U. Gill Award presented to an outstanding youth member of the band was awarded to Heather Scanga by the Harvey U. Gill Alumni Association.

The F.O. Belzer Award presented to an outstanding adult member of the band was awarded to Robert (Bob) Wiker.

Congratulations to all of the award recipients.

New BBBC Board Elected

As part of the annual meeting, the BBBC elected officers for the upcoming year. Elected to serve until August 2003 were:

Bill Schofield, President; Bob Wiker, Vice President; Carol Wiker, Recording Secretary; Mary Jane Smock, Corresponding Secretary; Keith Hartzog, Treasurer; Debbie King, Ways and Means; Dana Hanson, Equipment / Property; Howard Foster, Director; Doug Whitcomb, Historian and John Valdez, Publicity.

Kudos To

Patrick Lindstrom and Sarah Stansberry who have announced their engagement -- stay tuned for wedding date (we hear it's in December 2003)

Matthew Goldey and Philip Graves who earned their Firecrafter rank at this summer's rituals.

Buddy McLaren and Carol Wiker who have completed their Woodbadge tickets and have received their beads (Buddy's to be presented at Pioneer District's November Roundtable)

Philip Graves who was inducted into the National Honor Society on October 7th.

John & Doug's Wacky Fun Column[sponsored in part by Rocker's Unlimited]

What is John and Doug's Wacky Fun Column you ask?!?!?! Well, it is a spot designated in this and future issues that will be entertaining as well as informative about the band! I hope YOU enjoy it as much as we do! And remember it's sponsored by Rocker's Unlimited!


10. You just never know what Howard is going to say!

You can learn to play by numbers!

If you don't like your music you can try someone elses's!

What else would put a great touch to a Sunday afternoon?


Who knows -- you might be entertained by doug!

If Shawn is there you won't get picked on!

Every Sunday brings a WHOLE NEW and DIFFERENT Band!

Who knows we might even sound better!

and the number one reason to come to band practice (drum roll please)

You never know what you missed!

Wacky TriviaAnswer the trivia question about the band and YOU can win a prize! Please email your answers to Doug whitcomb at or mail him at 1697 South 700 West; New Palestine, IN 46163. Drawing will be held on the first practice of each month.

This newsletter's question:

who founded the band?

Answer will be in the next newsletter and the prize will be awarded at the first week's practice. Drawing will be held at the first practice in December.

Thanks for visiting John & Doug's Wacky Column -- see you in the next issue -- and remember this column is sponsored by rocker's unlimited!


20 1:00 PM Crew 559 Meeting

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room

27 1:00 PM Dixieland Band Rehearsal

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room

30 7:00 PM BBBC Board Meeting

Schofield's House


3 2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room

3 COLTS vs Tennessee at RCA DOME

Report time 9:30 AM -- notify Mr. Bill or Deb King by Wednesday October 30 if you can work

10 1:00 PM Dixieland Band Rehearsal

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room


2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room


24 1:00 PM Crew 559 Meeting

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room



1 Colts Game at RCA Dome

8 1:00 PM Crew 559 Meeting

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room

14 IU vs PU Basketball at RCA Dome

15 2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room

21 11:00 AM Christmas Concert at Glendale Mall

22 Colts Game at RCA Dome


29 Colts Game at RCA Dome



5 2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central Orchestra Room