Scout Band



Did you Miss Us?

The band has not stopped meeting or performing, we just had a lapse in getting a newsletter published during September, October and November. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate those that have continued to come to rehearsals or work the dome events. We will make a New Year Resolution that this won't happen in 2002!

This newsletter will bring you up to date on things happening with the band and the plans for the new year. It also has a survey that we would appreciate YOU taking the time to fill out and mail back to: BBBC, c/o 5423 Mark Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46226 or fax to 317-543-3270. This survey will help the band and its sponsor, the Belzer Band Booster Club, to make plans for the coming years and find ways to improve what we offer and encourage more participation.

Please take the few minutes necessary to complete this survey and share your thoughts with us. We will be celebrating a MILESTONE year in 2002 -- our 85th anniversary -- and we will be doing many activities to mark this milestone and continue to work towards our celebration of 100 years in 2017!

From the BBBC Board we wish you all a great holiday season and hope to see you at our few remaining events in 2001 and the start of the new year on January 6, 2002!

Christmas Concert

The band will be performing a public Christmas concert on Saturday, December 15 at Glendale Shopping Mall. Please report in uniform (or borrow a uniform from the band) at 5:30 PM at Glendale's Center Court (by the food court).

We will perform from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, playing a variety of Christmas music and possibly some patriotic music.

Glendale Mall is located at the corner of 62nd Street and Keystone Avenue in Indianapolis. Enter through Entrance 6 on the Keystone side of the mall and the Center Court area will be just inside -- look for the famed Glendale penguins!

This will be our last event of the year -- there will be NO REHEARSAL on Sunday December 16 as there is a Colts game that day. If you have any other questions, please call Bill at 542-8057.

Super Bowl Pizza Sale

The BBBC is planning to have a pizza pie sale in time for the Super Bowl on Sunday February 3. Order forms will be available at rehearsal on Sunday January 6, 2002 -- orders can be taken through January 20, we will plan to make the pizzas on Saturday, January 26 so they can be delivered during the week of January 28 - February 1. Money should be turned in at rehearsal on Sunday, February 3, 2002. Questions, call Sylvia at 542-8057.

Nova Scotia / PEI Tour 2002

Plans are proceeding with the band's 2002 tour to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Dates for the tour are different from what was first published at the band picnic -- the dates are July 4 or 5 through July 14, 2002. The cost is $650.00 and includes all transportation, meals, lodging and attractions. By now, the $50.00 deposit with application and two (2) payments of $150.00 should have been received by the BBBC. It is NOT too late to sign up, and we need to know as soon as possible if you are planning to participate. Arrangements need to be secured, but we need to know WHO is going! Call "Mr. Bill" at 542-8057 if you are planning to go on the tour so your seat on the bus can be reserved. We will only be taking one bus with 50 people (playing members receive preference over non-playing members). Once we have reached the fifty mark, a "stand-by" list will be formulated to work people in if we have any cancellations.

One of the highlights of the tour will be witnessing the Nova Scotia International Tattoo -- "Canada's Most Spectacular Event" in Halifax, Nova Scotia. To wet your appetite, go to their website at and you will learn why it's called a tattoo and see pictures from past events. Don't miss out on this great experience, turn in your application with the $50.00 deposit as soon as you can.

Ink Cartridge Recycling Project

Our friends at the Duchess County Scout Band in New York passed on a great money earning project for the band. All proceeds from this activity go into the band's general fund.  All you have to do is recycle ink cartridges from printers, fax machines or other type office equipment.

Debbie Wheat is chairing this activity and you can contact her for the details. Those that work in offices can set this up to collect cartridges and get them to Debbie. She is bundling them and sending them off. It doesn't cost the band anything and we get $2.00 per cartridge that is returned for recycling. This is a way a lot of our parents or alumni could help out by getting this project set up and collection points established in several large offices throughout the central Indiana area. Give Debbie a call if you are interested.

Dome Events

The RCA Dome events are winding down for the year, there are three more events in December and a make up football game in January. There will be an additional two or three events during the first few months of 2002, but we do not have the details on these as of this writing. If you can work an event and want to earn $25.00 for your band personal account, call Sylvia at 542-8057 to sign up for these remaining events.

Sunday December 16, Colts vs Atlanta Falcons -- report time is 10 AM

Saturday December 22, IU vs University of Kentucky Basketball -- we will be in booth 117 -- report time is 2 PM game starts at 5 PM

Sunday December 23, Colts vs New York Jets -- report time will be in afternoon (probably 5:00 or 5:30 PM) Game is an ESPN TV game and starts at 8:30 PM

Sunday January 6, 2002 Make up Colts game against Denver Broncos -- don't have times as yet.

Olympic Torch Relay

The Olympic torch will be passing through Indianapolis on its way to Salt Lake City, Utah on Monday January 7, 2002 around 6:30 - 7:00 PM. Is there an interest on the band's part to volunteer to play along the route (maybe near the scout office) as the torch makes its way to the circle for a ceremony at 7:30 PM? If so, please let a member of the BBBC know and we will discuss it at our upcoming board meeting.

Annual Open House

The band's annual recruitment open house will be on Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 2:00 PM. Make an effort to attend this rehearsal to welcome the many new and prospective members to the band. The BBBC Board has asked the youth leadership to make sure everyone feels welcome and is encouraged to become an ACTIVE member of the band. Do your part and be at rehearsal, and invite a friend or two from your troop or crew. Through your efforts the band will continue to grow and ensure we will be around to celebrate our 100th anniversary!

Thanks to everyone who has made 2001 a great year for the band! We look forward to an even bigger and better year for the band in 2002 -- but we need YOU to accomplish this!

Kudos for the past few Months

Monica Roe, our council liaison for earning her woodbadge beads, AND for helping out and keeping us in nachos at our September 23 Colts game.

Buddy McLaren, Carol Wiker and Trish Wiker who completed their practical portion of woodbadge training (and members of the FIRST Woodbadge conducted with the new syllabus). They are now working their tickets and would probably appreciate any help we can give them.

Members of the Decatur Central and Lawrence Central High School bands who competed in the Bands of America Competition. (Apologies if we missed any other competing schools that are represented in the band.)

All the dedicated "Dome Workers" who sacrifice their Sundays and Saturdays to work the booths to earn money for the band. Several events have caught us "short handed" and the extra efforts by everyone to make sure things run smoothly is greatly appreciated.

Dr. George McCord (band alumnus) for providing the postage for mailing the newsletter each time it is sent out. Dr. McCord has done this for a number of years now and without his help, we would not be able to get this into your hands. His contribution to our efforts of keeping our members and alumni informed is greatly appreciated.

Time to drop your name from our List?

Each year we go through and "purge" our mailing and attendance list of those folks who haven't been around for awhile. Before we do this for 2001 / 2002 we want to check with YOU and see if you are planning to come back. If you would take a minute and call 542-8057 or email through the band's website your intentions. Will you be back? Do you want to receive the newsletter to keep up to date on the band's activities?

Whatever your decision, we ask that you still fill out the short survey and get that back to us so we can improve or change things to make them better. Without the knowledge of what is working and what is not, we can't progress to our next level.


Please complete this brief survey (use another sheet of paper for your answers or you can e-mail it to Bill). You can sign them or send them anonymously, but PLEASE respond HONESTLY and CONSTRUCTIVELY so we can see what needs to be changed or what needs to left alone. Mail your answers to BBBC c/o 5423 Mark Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46226, or fax to 543-3270 or hand them in at rehearsal on December 9 or the Christmas concert on December 15. We would like to have them back no later than December 31 .

1) Music we play -- too easy, too hard, about right, too "old". Suggestions

2) Activities we should do besides rehearsals?   Campouts, "band camps" ????

3) Rehearsal Day and Time -- Is Sunday good?   Is there another day that would be better, is 2 pm good, should it be earlier?, later?

4) Rehearsal location --  convenient, not convenient -- Suggestions

5) Where do YOU get your information --  from newsletter, rehearsal, website, friend, word of mouth?

6) Tours -- too lengthy, too costly, nothing "exciting" -- Suggestions

7) Youth Leadership -- effective? -- need to use more? -- need "section" leaders? -- Ideas

8) Adult Leadership -- effective? Not effective? Needs replaced?

9) Activities for parents during rehearsals? Should there be activities that parents could do during rehearsals so they can become more active? Or is it better for them not to be around?

10) Work at the dome -- if you are 16 or older are you willing to help at the dome to earn money for yourself and the band, or should we give the dome up and find other sources for money?

11) Performances -- need more? Suggestions

12) If you only came to the band once or twice -- what made you not want to come back?

13) What can be done to make things more fun, exciting, and make you want to come on a regular basis?

14) If you could change one or two things in the band, what would they be?

15) Has the band helped you or hurt you in your music education?

16) "Essay" The Crossroads of America Scout Band means (what does it mean to you?)

December Dates

2 1:00 PM Dixieland Band Rehearsal

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central HS Orchestra Room

5 7:00 PM BBBC Board Meeting

Schofield's House

9 1:00 PM Dixieland Band Rehearsal

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central HS Orchestra Room

15 Christmas Concert at Glendale Mall -- see

front page for times and directions


16 Colts Game -- report time 10 AM -- call Sylvia if you can work (542-8057)

22 IU vs UK Basketball at RCA Dome -- report time 2 PM -- booth 117 -- call Sylvia if you can work (542-8057)

23 Colts Game -- report time will be in late afternoon -- game starts at 8:30 PM -- call Sylvia if you can work (542-8057)

January 2002

6 2:00 PM First Rehearsal of the new year

6 Colts Game (make up from Sept. 16 game)

13 1:00 PM Dixieland Band Rehearsal

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central HS Orchestra Room

20 ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE invite a friend to join us -- talk at your Troop or Crew meetings

27 1:00 PM Dixieland Band Rehearsal

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central HS Orchestra Room

30 7:00 PM BBBC Board Meeting

Schofield's House

February 2002 advance dates

3 1:00 PM Dixieland Band Rehearsal

2:00 PM Full Band Rehearsal

Warren Central HS Orchestra Room

10 Scout & Band's 85th Anniversary Concert

17 Rehearsals

24 Rehearsals