MAY / JUNE 2000
Marching rehearsals will take place during normal rehearsal times Sunday, May 7 and May 21. (There is no rehearsal on Mother's Day, May 14). Enclosed in this newsletter is a registration form to let us know of your intent to participate in the 500 race activities. We ask that ALL participants complete this information so that we will have it available on race day. We have five school buses reserved to take us to and from the track. THERE ARE NO PERSONAL VEHICLES ALLOWED IN THE ESCORT. To help defray the expense of the buses we require EACH person attending to purchase a ticket from Keith Hartzog the band's treasurer. The cost of the ticket is $10.00 and must be presented to board the bus. Besides the bus ride to and from the track you will receive a box lunch and a ticket in the infield Turn 4 seating area. No ticket -- no bus ride, lunch, a seat at the race or souvenir. Fill out the form enclosed (copy if you there are additional members going with you that have not received a newsletter.) Turn the form in WITH the $10.00 to Keith Hartzog at the rehearsals on May 7 or 21 or before departure on May 28. YOU WILL NEED A TICKET FROM KEITH TO GET ON THE BUS ON RACE DAY. For those who have met us on the westside, please have your forms and money ready to give to Keith when the buses arrive at the assembly area.
Meet at Camp Belzer NO LATER THAN 5:00 A.M. Sunday, May 28! Buses will leave from Camp Belzer at 5:30 a.m. to transport us to Builders Square where we will gather with the other bands to be escorted to the track. If you live on the west side of Indianapolis, you can arrange to meet us at Builders Square (I-65 and Lafayette Road). Be there by 6:00 a.m. and have money and permission slips ready when we arrive. One bus will be designated to return to Builders Square following the race.
If you are NOT returning with the band / flag corps following the race, you will need to have a SIGNED STATEMENT from your parent / guardian or you will not be permitted to leave. It is preferred that the person you are meeting picks you up at the bus area inside Gate 9 if possible.
Once we finish the pre-race parade you can change into casual clothes, pick up your lunch, race a ticket and enjoy the race. YOU MUST ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS HAVE A BUDDY WHEN YOU LEAVE THE BUS PARKING AREA. Report to the buses hour after the race is ended (a checkered flag, a red flag, rain out, etc.). We will return to Camp Belzer within 2 - 2 hours after the race.
The band will be performing Saturday, June 10 at 10:00 a.m.. Please arrive no later than 9:30 a.m. so we can get set up and warm up before our 45 minute portion of the program begins. This event is held at the Greenfield-Central High School football field. Take I-70 to the Greenfield exit (State Road 9) and go South. Turn right at first light (New Road) and travel west to Broadway (approximately 1 mile). Turn left on Broadway and continue south to the High School on right side. We will be finished and dismissed by 11:30 a.m.. We plan on wearing the Class B Tour uniform for this event (Tour T shirt, Scout Shorts and Scout Socks.)
If you want to participate in this activity please contact Bob Wiker or Buddy McLaren at 356-9678 or Bill Schofield at 542-8057.
Crystal Heitzman who was recognized at the Council Coordinated Meeting on April 18th with the Venturing Leadership Award. Crystal is one of the first four recipients of this award in Crossroads Council.
Randy Auble who was recognized at the Tech Leadership Night on February 11th. Randy is one of eleven Arsenal Technical High School Alumni members who were recognized for making notable contributions in a variety of fields since they graduated from High School.
Bob Wiker for coordinating the race weekend activities with Troop 250 from Grand Rapids Council, Michigan
Those registered for the tour will be receiving five shirts and one hat as part of your tour package. These will be distributed at Shakedown on June 3rd.
During the day we will be doing the following:
Any items you are planning to have on the bus when we arrive in Denver (pillow, blanket, snacks, etc.) need to be brought to Belzer to be put on the truck. Also, your cot, sleeping bag, etc. should be brought at this time so they can be loaded. Your Class A Uniform should be brought to be included in the uniform box. To make the check-in and departure at the airport smooth, any bulky items should be brought to Belzer and placed in the truck. Keith Hartzog and his crew will be responsible for the loading of these vehicles.
We will try and get everything done as quickly as possible, but this will be the last opportunity to work out any problems before departure. This "dress" rehearsal worked well last year in preparing the band for its departure. Plan on being done by 9:30 if we get started on time and everyone works together.
Return to Indianapolis will be Sunday, July 2 at 11:00 P.M. on TWA Flight
7 1:00 P.M. Dixieland Band Rehearsal
2:00 P.M. Full Band Rehearsal (Marching)
Warren Central High School
19 7:00 P.M. Tour Committee Meets at Schofield's House
21 1:00 P.M. Dixieland Band Rehearsal
2:00 P.M. Full Band Rehearsal (Marching)
Warren Central High School
24 7:00 P.M. BBBC Board Meets Schofield's House
26-28 Weekend at Belzer / Michigan Group arrives Friday Night
28 500 RACE -- report to Camp Belzer by 5:00 A.M. in Class A Uniform
4 1:00 P.M. Dixieland Band Rehearsal
2:00 P.M. Full Band Rehearsal (Marching)
Warren Central High School
10 Relay for Life Concert 10 a.m. Greenfield-Central High School
11 1:00 P.M. Dixieland Band Rehearsal
2:00 P.M. Full Band Rehearsal (Marching)
Warren Central High School
14 6:00 P.M. BBBC Board Meets / Picnic at Schofield's House
15 Cookout on Circle -- Dixieland performs
20 7:00 P.M. Tour Rehearsal and load trucks -- Camp Belzer
22 Trucks / Buses depart for the tour
24 Philmont Tour begins -- arrive at Airport 4:00 A.M. Depart 6:25 A.M.
5 Trucks / Buses return from the tour
NO REHEARSALS19 7:00 P.M. BBBC Board Meeting Schofield's House